
November 7,2015

Chemical and Biological Separations

  • Release Date:07-24-2015
  • Open Date:10-06-2015
  • Due Date:10-20-2016
  • Close Date:10-20-2016

The goal of theChemical and Biological Separations(CBS)program is to generate novel methods and materials for separation processes. These processes are central to the chemical, biochemical, materials, energy, and pharmaceutical industries. A fundamental understanding of the interfacial, transport, and thermodynamic behavior of multiphase chemical systems as well as quantitative descriptions of processing characteristics in the process-oriented industries is critical for efficient resource management and effective environmental protection. The program encourages proposals that address emerging research areas and technologies, have a high degree of interdisciplinary work coupled with the generation of fundamental knowledge, and the integration of education and research. Research topics of particular interest include fundamental molecular-level work on: <ul> <li>Nanostructured materials for separations</li> <li>Biorenewable resource separation processes</li> <li>Purification of drinking water</li> <li>Field (flow, magnetic, electrical) induced separations</li> <li>Separation of molecular constituents from blood</li> </ul> NOTE:For separations proposals involving aspects of sustainable chemistry, consider making proposal submissions to this program (1417) with the Proposal Title as:&lsquo;SusChEM: Title of Your Proposal'. For more information on SusChEM-related proposals please<a href="http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15085/nsf15085.jsp" target="_self">click here</a>. The same applies for proposals involving sustainable engineering. Innovative proposals outside of these specific interest areas may be considered. However, prior to submission, it is recommended that the PI contact the Program Director to avoid the possibility of the proposal being returned without review. The duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three years. The typical award size for the program is around $100,000 per year. Proposals requesting a substantially higher amountthan this, without prior consultation with the Program Director, may be returned without review. INFORMATION COMMON TO MOST CBET PROGRAMS Proposals should address the novelty and/or <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/about/transformative_research/faq.jsp">potentially transformative nature</a> of the proposed work compared to previous work in the field. Also, it is important to address why the proposed work is important in terms of engineering science, as well as to also project the potential impact on society and /or industry of success in the research. The novelty or potentially transformative nature of the research should be included, as a minimum, in the Project Summary of each proposal. Faculty Early Career Development(CAREER) program proposals are strongly encouraged. Award duration is five years. The submission deadline for Engineering CAREER proposals is in July every year. Please see the CAREER URL <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503214">here</a> for more information. Proposals for Conferences, Workshops, and Supplements: PIs are strongly encouraged to discuss their requests with the Program Director before submission of the proposal. Grants forRapid Response Research(RAPID) andEArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research(EAGER) are also considered when appropriate. Please note that proposals of these types must be discussed with the program director before submission. Further details are available in theProposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide(PAPPG) download found <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg">here</a>. Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) proposals that integrate fundamental research with translational results and are consistent with the application areas of interest to each program are also encouraged. Please note that GOALI proposals must be submitted during the annual unsolicited proposal window for each program. More information on GOALI can be found <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504699&amp;SBTR=SolicAG">here</a>. COMPLIANCE: Proposals which are not compliant with the<a href="http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg">Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG)</a>will be returned without review. Unsolicited proposals received outside of the Announced Proposal Window dates will be returned without review.